Air Dome Business
Air Dome is a new concept building that complements the shortcomings (construction cost, construction period, disaster stability, etc.) of existing buildings. It is expected to be applied in various fields such as disaster evacuation, indoor sports, and industrial use, etc. We supply it to the domestic market through technical partnerships and collaborations with overseas companies who has the world's largest performance and technology.
Air Dome for Disaster Evacuation
Use as a disaster evacuation facility in the event of a disaster such as earthquakes, typhoons, and tsunamis.

Complete View of the Air Dome – Pohang City

Disaster Evacuation Drill

Air Dome for Indoor sports
It is an all-weather indoor gym where you can enjoy sports like soccer, tennis, badminton, swimming, etc. without being affected by weather conditions such as heat, cold, snow, and rain. Particularly, it is being highlighted as an indoor gym to harsh environmental conditions such as fine dust, ozone and ultraviolet rays. Dome for Indoor Sports.


Swimming Pool

Football Field

Badminton Court

Industrial Air Dome
It is used in various industries such as coal storage, mineral storage, feedstuff, wood chips, and waste landfills for various purposes such as fine dust, odor blocking, raw material storage, and logistics warehouse.

Coal Bunker (Internal)

Coal Bunker (External)


Raw Material Storage Warehouse

Air Dome Construction Flow

01Installation of Anchor Bolts

02Installation of Electrical Equipment and Air Conditioning System

03Spread of Membrane

04Cable Connection

05Connection Cables to Anchor Bolts

06Pressurization (Air Dome Erection)


08Completion (External)

09Completion (Internal)